Mobilizing In Prayer
Decisions are currently being made that are setting the course for the rest of our lives and the life of this nation. We want to be part what God is doing, so this is a call to action. There is a call of God for believers to resist the mounting forces of the antichrist spirit that is manifesting itself throughout the nations of the earth. God has told me this is a call for a spiritual invasion like D-Day in World War II.
Let me give you a little bit of background. In 1999, long before I came to MorningStar, the Lord spoke to me, and He told me I would be part of a D-Day-like invasion that would manifest itself in different nations, more specifically in the European nations. I began to study D-Day, and I felt like I was to release something.
A certain level of indifference has infiltrated the church. There is a somewhat passive mentality that says, “If I just leave the devil alone, maybe he’ll leave me alone.” This approach was proven ineffective during World War II. People like former British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain had insisted on a doctrine of pacifism and appeasement. The next British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, said of this doctrine, “It’s like feeding the alligator and hoping he eats you last.” Likewise, even if you leave the devil alone, he will not leave you alone.
Eventually, some of the things that are at the doorsteps in other nations can and probably will come home to your front door. I believe God is asking us to mobilize, to set us on a course that will not only resist but overcome the forces of darkness and this antichrist spirit that is building all throughout the nations of the earth.
There needs to be a shift. I respect individuals who are slugging it out, doing what God wants them to do on a day-to-day basis, and endeavoring to keep their house in order. But there’s something beyond keeping our own, individual houses in order. In the Scriptures, when individuals simply focused on building their own houses, there was a lack of fulfillment, progress, and prosperity.
I want to illustrate this with the book of Haggai. The people of Israel had been released from Babylon, and they had been able to go back and do the things of God that happened from 538 B.C. to 535 B.C. The book of Haggai was written later, around 520 B.C., when no progress was being made on the house of God.
One of the things Haggai identified that was keeping the people from the fulfillment God had for them was that they were focused—not on the corporate vision of the hour—but on their own lives. The way Haggai 1:6 states it is this: “You have sown much, and bring in little; you eat, but do not have enough; you drink, but you are not filled with drink; you clothe yourselves, but no one is warm; and he who earns wages, earns wages to put into a bag with holes.” So, they made a shift. The people made a commitment to rebuild the house of God, and their decision caused something to happen in heaven that changed things on the earth. Some of the decisions we make can cause heaven to not only act on our behalf, but also restore the glory to the house that God is wanting us to build. “‘The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former,’ says the Lord of hosts” (see Haggai 2:9).
When God sees that individuals are more focused on building His house than their own houses, something profound happens. After the people of Israel changed their actions, God said, “From this day I will bless you” (see Haggai 2:18-19). Sometimes individuals feel God is not answering prayers or blessing them the way they would like. Are we fully engaged with what God is asking of us? If we would reconsider some things, there could be a shift from heaven.
This is a call for the people of God to mobilize spiritually the way the troops mobilized on D-Day. The D-Day invasion was the most complex military event that had ever taken place in history. It involved over 175,000 troops from different nations. Today, I believe God is asking the people of God to be involved in an allied invasion to accomplish His purposes.
I believe God is endeavoring to mobilize His people to go on the offense against the rising tide of the antichrist spirit. The gates of hell will not prevail. God is giving us the power He gave Peter to loose and to bind. God told him, “whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (see Matthew 16:19).
One of the principal things I have learned about the D-Day invasion is that we controlled the air, both physically and spiritually. Praying individuals like Rees Howells were very instrumental in the success of World War II; God was giving them information. All of us can actively participate in the mobilization of prayer God is asking for in this hour.
We find that our events have a higher level of success if the prayer warriors who are behind the scenes have well-oiled the skids and taken ground prior to the meetings. If we’re going to be invading nations and resisting the antichrist spirit that is proliferating throughout the nations, God is asking us to mobilize in prayer.
Paul said people run the race “to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown” (see 1 Corinthians 9:24-25). God is looking for individuals who will be fully dedicated to the corporate vision of the hour—the imperishable crown—and who want to see the latter house be greater than the former. God is issuing invitations for us and waiting to see what we’re going to do with them.
God wants us to mobilize. God wants us to respond to the shifting powers of this antichrist spirit that is seeking to invade, control, manipulate and destroy the nation of Israel. In the secret of our own prayer closets and personal disciplines, I believe we can each distinguish ourselves as the superheroes of this hour. God never discouraged greatness in his kingdom. He only said that how you get there is to be a servant, one who is a slave to the purposes of God.
MorningStar is doing many things to respond to this. We’re just a small segment of what God is doing throughout the world, but I believe God is looking for a D-Day-like invasion into the nations of the earth. He wants the prophetic spirit released in these nations. He wants prayer initiatives unlike we have ever seen before. He wants all of those things to begin to coalesce around the Word of the Lord.
This article was adapted from Tom Hardiman’s message at MorningStar’s 2023 Vision Conference on December 29, 2023. To watch it and other messages, visit